Sunday, October 26, 2008

I love newborn babies!

I had a shoot yesterday morning with a great family (and former co-worker) at Harry Griffen Park in La Mesa. After my inital shock when we showed up to discover that it was Park Appreciation Day with LOTS of volunteers and such around, we found some less-populated spots to take a couple nice photos of their sweet family. They have a 2 month old baby boy and a great big sister. In between shots, I got to help hold the baby and he was a sweetie.
Mom and Daughter - don't they look alike?
Big sister love
Proud Parents
Happy Couple
Awesome Family

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Celebrating Motherhood

I spent time with a sweet family this past week that has one son and is expecting a little girl in 13 days! I was able to capture some precious moments of the family and their son loving his Mommy's belly. Congratulations to them and their new baby!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fun Family Shoot

I don't usually do sessions at Ocean Beach, but ended up with a nice set of photos from a family shoot this summer. This is a good example of how we can get great shots when we just let kids be kids!